Ding! Ding! Ding!

You hear that? That’s the sound of the PR bell that was in my head this morning!

The bell in my head looked like this one!

The bell in my head

My alarm woke me up this morning, a rare event lately as it’s set for 0500 and I’m usually awake before it goes off. I was exhausted, but managed to get ready to go to the Box anyway. I just felt like I had nothing left in me this morning, but I was determined to give it my all anyway.

Skill: Push Press 5×5 + Ring Rows (6-10) E90s

I knew that my previous PR was 70# for the push press and I wanted to try at least 75#. I planned to be at 75# on my 4th rep and here were my total reps:


Yay! I PR’d by 10#! I was pretty happy about that one, but I need to remember not to jerk the press!

WOD: Hashtag Darkhorse

The first time I had done this one was on August 8 and I finished with a time of 7:12. I had done FG at 55# and that’s pretty much what I wanted to do today. I didn’t think I could go heavier than 55#. Again, I felt so low in energy and I just wanted to be done and over with this.


I managed to do the 10 hang power cleans unbroken and that was something new to me. I remember clearly breaking up the sets back in August. I then moved on to my 6 burpees. Back to the bar for yet another set of 8 unbroken hang power cleans, followed by 6 burpees. I was slowing down a bit for the hang power cleans, but I was still pushing through. 4 unbroken hang power cleans and probably 8 burpees. By this time, Mark was done and he’s certain he counted more than 6 burpees, but I got confused and didn’t know where I was in my burpee count, so I just kept going for a bit. 2 unbroken hang power cleans and 6 burpees later, I was done! I looked at the clock and it said 6:17. I wrote my score on the white board and went over to log my stuff on my phone. That’s when I realized I had also PR’d for the WOD (I couldn’t remember my time for this one and hadn’t looked it up before starting the WOD). I was so happy! Stupid grin flashing on my face and I couldn’t wipe it off! I still came in last, but I almost shaved off an entire minute on that WOD. All the hard work, focusing on nutrition and hydration is slowly paying off! I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for me! I am pumped! I know my time is still very slow, but right now, I’m too happy to care! Forget the Darkhorse, there’s a little Beast inside this BabyMama!


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