Do Not Stop!

I’m still on my days off from work so after I sent Rina off on the school bus, I came back home and got ready to go to Crossfit. I knew it sounded easy, but those WODs are usually deceptive and a soul/body crushers. I was glad Kathleen was going to be coming at 0930 with me because I knew this one would be a great one for her!

Photo 2015-09-21, 1 34 51 PM

This girl can erg like a beast and she was excited about the whole thing. Me, on the other end, not so much! The hate-hate relationship I have with the erg is still very much alive!

Skill: Back Squat 3×10 E2M

Last time we had done those, I ended up at 95# on my last set so today I was hoping to get to 105#, but my freakin’ sciatic had other plans. I took it a bit lighter and finished at 100# and I’m glad I did since Coach AJ told me I needed to work on keeping my shoulders back and my chest up. I think I managed to correct that on my last set and that was another PR for a 3×10 on these!

WOD: 2x500m Row

My heart sank when I saw this post last night, but I knew I could defeat my mind going into this. I always struggle when we erg and I always want to quit. The only thing keeping me from actually quitting is to imagine my girls drowning and the only way to rescue them is for me to row to them.

No way I'm letting this little cutie drown (not even if it's only in my head!)

No way I’m letting this little cutie drown (not even if it’s only in my head!). Do Not Stop!

So I was in the first heat and Kathleen had suggested I stick around 2:12/500m for this one and try to up it up to 2:03/500m on the second one. That plan went to hell at 3-2-1-Go!

I started up way too strong and I hung around 1:57/500m for a bit, only to end up around 2:03/500m. Yeah, that was gonna backfire on the 2nd round! 1min isn’t a long time to rest at all and I think I rowed most of it with my eyes closed. I came to a spot where I almost stopped completely. Kathleen was behind me and she said: “No, Val, you don’t stop now.” And that was all I needed to get going again. Thank goodness too, otherwise, I honestly think I would have been done there and then. I closed my eyes again and was the last one still working on my 2nd attempt and the inner animal was making its way out in terms of guttural screams, but I finished it. I was done, that’s all that mattered to my little legs and body. It took a while for me to catch my breath and I tallied my score:

  • 1st round: 2:05.5
  • 2nd round: 2:15.9
  • Total score: 4:21.4

Seems to me like I did the opposite of what Kathleen had planned out for me! Way to go loser! 😉

Kathleen came to me and she said my 1st round must have been a PR for me. I honestly couldn’t remember and didn’t have that info on my phone so I had to wait until I got some free time at home to check if she was right or not. Well, she was! My previous PR for 500m was 2:07.3 and I had done 2:05.5 in my 1st round today! Not surprising I tanked out on the second round! Still, 2 PRs in one day, I’ll take it!

I came back home where my husband had made protein shake and had some to share with me! How amazing is he? I showered and made some food and put Béatrice to quiet time after lunch. You know you’re a Crossfit mom when your kids tell you they don’t want your cuddles because “your hands are scratchy and you should go scrub them”. I obliged and polished my calluses to my daughter’s request and we are now able to cuddle again! #truestory

For now, I am sitting on the couch and warming-up my sciatic with the hot water bottle while BeZU rests upstairs. We will go get Rina at the bus stop later!