Work Day

What I didn’t have time for today:

  • drink enough water
  • eat dinner
  • have a dinner break
  • go pee
  • tell my co-workers how much I appreciated their help
  • hug my daughters at bedtime

What I did have time for today:

  • drink some water
  • have a very late lunch
  • laugh with my co-workers
  • talk to my daughters on the phone
  • talk to my husband on the phone
  • see an old patient of mine who came for a visit and get to hug his parents while tears filled up in their eyes as they were telling me how grateful they were for the care we provided
  • help a newborn take its first breath
  • kiss my daughters goodbye this morning and kiss them in their sleep tonight.

After 2 weeks off, it was yet another long, crazy busy day. I’m glad it’s over and I’m ready to tackle tomorrow… As soon as I can put my feet up for a bit and chug my chocolate/peanut butter/protein smoothie!



Busy Day!

Phew! Today has been busy from the moment I got up (0530). Béatrice woke up a little earlier than usual, but after a bottle, she went back to bed. We were then graced by the company of Rina in bed with us, but she just watched some Netflix on the iPad while cuddling between Ben and I and I read my blogs.

I finally decided to get up at 0700 and made pancakes for everyone. Once breakfast was done and the dishes were cleaned, I moved on to sorting out the girls’ clothes. I folded and put un bags the ones that didn’t fit the girls anymore to make room for the new clothes I just bought for Rina and also to bring back some of Rina’s old clothes we kept for Béatrice. Aunt Sandy came by with Ruby while Béatrice was napping and she graciously offered to watch the girls while Ben and I made our way to drop off / pick up the bags of clothes at the storage locker we rent. We came back home for lunch followed by nap time for me and the girls while Ben was blackberry picking with Sandra. I managed a glorious 30mins nap and it was great! I had a weird night filled with dreams about Crossfit (fun, but tiring) and also about the girls getting kidnapped (not so much fun).

I got some baking done (see this post) while Béatrice was napping. I think they were a success! When Ben came back with his berries, he wanted to make some jam so I took Rina (Béatrice stayed home with Ben and Sandra) to the playground where she had an impromptu playdate with a friend who happened to be there at the same time. We came back home in time for dinner and we took the opportunity to had a Skype video call with my in-laws who had a surprise announcement for us. I’m gonna let the suspense build regarding that announcement as I’m not ready to share it here, but it definitely gave us food for thought!

I bathed the girls while Ben drove Sandra back home and it was a quick bedtime for the girls who stayed up later tonight. Now everything is quiet on the baby monitor and I cannot wait to get my knitting out! Hopefully, tomorrow will be a bit more mellow!